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(Please select your communication fields)
Note :
The above details will be used by CAA only to send CAA communications and personalized messages on your special days and CAF service activities. Your privacy is very important to us and CAA will take every precaution to ensure the same.
(Please choose the membership)
Service Fees $3.00 for Annual Membership and $30.00 for Life membership will be collected when Apple Pay or PayPal or Credit Card is used for payment. To avoid service fees, pay either by cheque (Payable to: Chicago Andhra Association) or bank transfer payment using QuickPay to: treasurer@chicagoandhra.org
25% of Life and Annual Membership fees will be used towards "Chicago Andhra Foundation (CAF)” for Community service activities.
(Please choose your payment method)
Please ensure that Cheque is received by CAA before claiming any benefits. You will receive a confirmation email regarding payment. If you do not receive an email within seven days, please contact to info@chicagoandhra.org. Please keep a note of the above reference number.
Please send payments to: treasurer@chicagoandhra.org via QuickPay / Zelle and Include as the reference number in the payment memo.