On 2 June 2014, Andhra Pradesh state was bifurcated and new Andhra Pradesh state comprising of 13 districts from Coastal Andhra and Rayalaseema came into existence. What it means for all the people residing and belonging to that region? We need to start thinking in a positive way and start building the state from scratch. The activities include building capital city, industrial corridors, technical hubs, transportation, and educational institutions, just a few from a big list of tasks ahead. Apart from all of these, we need to make sure our 13000 plus villages are in a better shape with basic amenities such as drinking water, sanitation, proper infrastructure for education, roads, hospitals, communication facilities. Some of these villages can be identified as smart ones. That way they are in a good shape to be part of the “Swarna Andhra Pradesh” which all of us are aspiring to build. Every one of us can participate and provide our support in fulfilling this dream.
As a good start few of us came together and started brain storming ourselves, about how best we can be part of this new development effort to give back something to our mother land, which we have done in the past in building cosmopolitan cities. Several of us are involved in charitable/developmental activities already at an individual capacity. This is the time now, for all of us to come together and be more aggressive in showing our value as NRI, for the development of our mother land. How can we do it?
We need a podium for like-minded people coming together to take this movement forward. We formed a core group consisting of a group of enthusiasts. Through a series of discussions all of us are convinced that the platform for these activities can be achieved in a channelized way with forming an organization which is heavily focused on our core objective of development of new state of Andhra Pradesh and we named it as “Andhra Pradesh Development Forum of North America” (APDFNA) Along the way we need to have all of us connected in sharing our thoughts, celebrations, achievements, youth, senior citizens, cultural and social activities. That is the only way to bring togetherness and commitment. Yes, that is when “Chicago Andhra Association” (CAA) is born providing a platform for “Service with Togetherness”. APDFNA will be the service wing of CAA. We will be working with Government of Andhra Pradesh directly in identifying and executing the projects.